First, im not selling/promoting any stuffs. It happen that some of my friends ask me about the boots, or items I posted earlier... "You are selling these?", "How much is it?"...etc.
Ok, 5marts didn't sell anything 'yet', haha.. (couldn't foreseen the future). Just sharing something nice, interesting, inspiring... as simple as an ordinary 'blog' would be i guess...
A 'rucksack' i grab lately. Its more outdoor type, totally not a 'backpack' in my definition. (one of my excuses to buy) ;-P And its not those large sizes, 30L type just nice! First picture in 'Basic Mode'.

And the reason (truly not excuse) to buy; see my sketches from years ago... found it in my old sketch book. 90% of similarity. An items which is so close to your thought, many of us face this situation before I believe. heheh... So I have no choice to resist, even my 'backpack' still in good condition. ;-D Sick I am!
ps; its an old stock from a brand call 'ONE POLAR'. An 'unknown' to me but who cares? hahaha....

Haha...execuse sometime can become reason and sometime it can become facts. Hahaha...whatever it not bad to pampers ourself :P
gegege... u knew me vry well..
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