OPEN 24x7
sharing thoughts, loves, life or whatever!

From the word - 'SMART' - 5 characters and 5 of us.
You can think / do / look smart!

The relationship between 5 and S...

5 in front as 5 marts; S at the end as plural or.....

with a little ART sense.

Have you 5marts today?
Nice shit~! :)
thxx for the comment! welcome to 5marts!
kiv u did it?
it's so lovely!!
p.s: I 5MARTSed today =)
SierYar @ Dubai
thxx.. n which part u means? the wood letters? or the meaning of 5marts? haha.. :-)
i brought it la. Found in a little shop in "新の城“ at MK. U know tat place la!
thxx for the visit frm 'DNN'! :-D
Many Thxx to all who like this, hope these pictures/objects bring out our initial ideas n the meaning inside!
Viva La 5marts~
the whole thing look nice..
5M-Arts.. hehe
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