Saturday, November 22, 2008

5marts logo revise...

Gangs, how u all think about this version? Did try to put in the '!', but not so nice with the font. If making as background graphic, i prefer to stick on our home island. Love the shape, representing where we from. hmm... This is the basic logo, and we can change the island graphic to any object according to any events...still using the simple line, while fonts will stay the same. For the 5 little stars that represent us, arrange as a shape of rising sun. Evrything in simple and basic style.


houhin said...

Klim, your logo designed is impressive. For sure your logo will be using as a core base. Scwa idea and Dyna idea also not bad. No matter how hard we going to try, I want both their idea to integrate to your design and I'm still working out on it...hopefully i can get it done by this weekend share it with you all and then we all decide again. It will be more meaningful if the logo is from 5 of us mind.

Kenny, design come from the idea and thought first before the piece of art work come true. So share with us your idea and all of us will very appreciate that.

This is very meaningful and 5 of us must contribute no matter how hard we try. Nothing is impossible, just take a deep breath.

[ScwA] said...

, i like the 1st n 3rd one. 2nd is difficult to catch the shape. i truly agree PIN thinking. i believe our logo almost done. keep it up ~!

b said...

guys, i think 1st and 2nd logo (1st row) can be the platform of the logo
, and i think the design can be more flexible?(which means we can apply it on any media example : print/shirts/moving images).
For the rest of the design its quite close to the quality inspection thingy.(It will work well if in the future we expand it into some kinda product?) hahaha maybe i think too much .

anyway i suggest that everyone use the 1st n 2nd as the principle design and apply ur design on it. what do yall think?

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