Thursday, March 05, 2009

Can't get your dream refill templates. Don't worry, check it out in D * I * Y Planner


Kiv, since the inspiration by you i began to practice this habit and I found out this website D*I*Y Planner. It really worth to share and spread it out.

The author share about how to make your own customize planner and also provide various range of planner refill templates for you to print out. I fully recommended the  dyanmic templates as it provide you the ability to customize your own refill templates.

If you really cant get the templates that you wish for in the shop in future, go and get it by downloading the templates from this website and print it out :)

Another cool thing is the author did share about GTD (Getting Things Done) method. It really make sense and I currently applying it in my daily works. Hehehe.i hope this year, i can be more efficient.

1 comment:

kiv said...

man! this is great!! lazzzy to print n there any other solutions?? hehe..

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